Plan Your Visit
Plan Your Visit
Tickets £7
Tickets £7
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Starting Nov 23rd
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 5pm - 10pm
Sunday Closed
185 Drury Lane, London WC2b 5PR
Nearest Stations Tottenham Court Road, Holborn, Covent Garden
Its the door beneath the sign leading down to our cellar
Its the door beneath the sign leading down to our cellar
Accessibility: The venue is not wheelchair accessible due to the age of the building.
Vision: The exhibit uses digital projectors in a low light environment. Light levels are comprable to a theatre, nightclub, or projector based museum exhbit. If you have impaired vision/reduced ability to percieve light that you may feel make your abiility to operate in this envirionment difficult, please contact the gallery for alternative viewing arrangments.